Develop Understanding – Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment

The school is a significant personal and social environment in the lives of its students. A child-friendly school ensures every child an environment that is physically safe, emotionally secure and psychologically enabling. School climate and school culture directly affect how successful your students will be. As a result, it is crucial for the school and the classroom culture to reflect, acknowledge, and celebrate diversity. A school must be safe. Creating this condition requires thoughtful and constant attention to the security and safety of the facilities; creation of clear policies and procedures for student and staff conduct; frequent and effective communication with parents, families, and the school community; and attention to classroom management as well as the requisite professional development. Without these conditions in place, learning cannot become a school’s focus.

A healthy, safe, and supportive learning environment enables students, adults, and even the school as a system to learn in powerful ways. Such an environment promotes innovation, inquiry, and risk taking.

Understanding Learners: – While observing students on their cognitive and social-personal development, teachers may come across various academic, personal and socio-emotional needs of elementary stage learners that they can facilitate and support.

Knowing a little background of the student helps the teacher which in turn can answer question, such as: ‘How can I help this student learn better?’ or ‘What in the student’s life can I relate this topic to so that it is interesting?’ Anyone can stand up and teach a class about any topic, but understanding the students completes a teacher.

If any teacher possesses the characteristics and qualities like expert communication skills, superior listening skills, deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter, the ability to build caring relationships with students, friendliness and approach ability, excellent preparation and organization skills, strong work ethic, community-building skills, high expectations for all he/she can become a very good teacher with large fan base and becomes a role-model.



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